A B2B Office Supply Company Improves Marketing Operations

Office Supplies-2
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Email Opens

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More Leads

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Improved CTR

A EUR3bil+ leading European office supply company had made significant investments in developing the website into a fully automated customers online onboarding process, but faced major challenges in developing a workable lead generation process for the SEA region.


As a first step, we focused on improving our understanding of the marketing operations of the company. We performed customer research, historical campaign data analysis, and field visits with the sales team.


Though our research, we identified quick wins that we could improve in the lead generation process within the first 100 days. This includes a fully redesign and rebuild a new Google Search Ads campaigns – all based on insights derived from data and historical performance.


We also conducted A/B testings and developed a more comprehensive automated email onboarding campaign with content that caters better to the needs of the local customers, and responds with behavioural interactions. 


Through these efforts, the company experienced Google Search Ads click-through rates (CTR) improvements above 100%; and 30% more high-quality leads than the previous year. Most importantly the company now had a dependable online marketing channel that consistently delivered new leads and enquiries for the Malaysia and Singapore team.

We take our clients’ confidentiality seriously. While we’ve changed their names, the results are real.